Phone number:
What position are you applying for
Where did you hear about our organization?
Would you be interested in helping distribute flyers?
Relevant experience and/or Employment (attach resume if relevant)
Area of expertise/contribution you feel you can make?
Why are you interested in our organization?
What would be the best times for you to participate?
What kind of programs would you be interested in creating?
Would you be interested in seeing a specific place in Michigan
explored/explained on TV, If yes,
Do you think Michigan has the potential of becoming one of the entertainment capitals of the world?
Why/ why not?
Would you be interested in watching any of the following programs if they were produced locally?
1. Michigan funniest videos
2. Home improvements
3. Local comedians
4. All positive news
5. Health programs
6. Detroit cops
7. Stupid/funny people tricks
8. Michigan most wanted
9. Let the people be heard
10. Local music videos
List two or more of your biggest influential TV programs ?
List two of your music influences ?
Where do you want to be five years from now?
Any additional comments