David Walters 1987 Specs Howard School of Broadcast arts graduate. 1989 host for Musical Renaissance. B.A. from Wayne State University. Doctor at Robert Spine Institute. 1999 Public Access certification from Community Media Network. 2000 Award for best Host/commentator of the year from Community
Media Network.
MTN - Host, Announcer, photographer, and camera.
2. Timothy Ross 1987 1989 Photographer and production assistant for Musical Renaissance.
1999 Public Access certification from Community Media Network.
Employed as mechanic at Indian Motors.
MTN camera, photographer and production assistant.
3. Dave Olsen . Guitar player since 1978. Employed at Media Design.
1999 Public Access certification from Community Media Network.
MTN - Production assistant.
Michelle Trudell Oselett
Freelance Spokesperson and model for various Film & television commercials
and promotional videos.
MTN - Host, announcer, writer and producer.
5. Nicol Paige 1998 - B.A. from Wayne State University. Employed at Public Benefit Corporation and news writer at WXYZ TV-7.
MTN - Host, writer, announcer and segment producer.
Stase Schwartz
1993 - B.A from Michigan State University. 1999 Present, Employed at Specs Howard school of broadcast Arts. 1999 Present,
Employed at The Specs Howard School of Broadcast Arts.
MTN - Segment producer, writer and announcer.
7. Dana Anita Hughes 1994 - B.A from Michigan State University. 1999 Present, Employed at Specs Howard School of Broadcast Arts.
MTN Segment producer, announcer and writer.
8. James Hughes 1979 - graduate from The Specs Howard School of Broadcast Arts.
1998 Present, Radio announcer at WOMC. Currently pursuing a degree in business and
communications from Oakland Community College.
MTN - Segment producer, writer and announcer.
John Nagy
1988 Graduate from Specs Howard School of Broadcast Arts. 1989-97 MCR supervisor at Barden Cablevision/Comcast
Cable. 1988 89 Associate producer WCSX radio. 1989 Present, MCR
operator@ CBS/WWJ-TV62 & WB20. 1993-97 Producer of award winning, Latinos de Motown.
Produced & Directed various live concerts at Comcast Cable. Also Co-producer, Last 90 minutes & The John Rich show.
MTN - Camera Operator, Production Assistant and possibly future segment producer.
Contact John.
Don Campbell -
1990-1996 T & C Federal Credit Union.
1996-Present, Business Analyst at EDS
1980-Present, US Army Reserves, Military Police, Desert Storm Veteran.
1985-Present, Birmingham Police Auxiliary.
Production assistant on Evil Dead one
Extra on Army of Darkness.
Gun wrangler on Hatred of a Minute.
Contact Don
Board member -- July 2001 - May 2002