Here's What We're All About

Michigan Television Network
The future in local television.


About MTN
Michigan Television Network is non profit organization dedicated to recognizing local talent.



If you've found this page, then I guess you've clicked into a personal hiden page. This page probably won't make much sense to you, because it's not finished. It will tell you how MTN was first born, but it's not complete.
The idea of MTN was first born in 1993 while Ronnie Brewster was taking an introduction to business class at Oakland Community College.
The teacher instructed us to think of a business we would want to get into that we could actually see ourselves doing for the rest of our lives, or at least for a very long time. It should also be something that we already have knowledge about.
I came up with two dream jobs. 1. Michigan Television Network - To create a show that recognized local talent. When I first got into the TV business, I was creating a music show which tried to air us many local videos as possible. Not having enough local stuff to fill a local show, we mixed national videos with a few local videos.
2. Michigan Made - A local novelty stor that only sold Michigan made items.
Both were things that I believed in and as soon as the thoughy entered my minds the ideas of shows and items started to flow. Before I knew it I had a full page of ideas for both.
As the class went on so did the ideas evolve into something I could really put my heart and soul into.<
About five or six weeks into the course, while getting ready for work one night (worked midnights at a local TV station) my Mother had a massive heart attack.
From there I had a lot of cloudy days. I was so distraunt I dropped out of school and helped my older sister take care of my Dad. A few months later, my Dad started getting sick. I think it was mostly from depression from losing my Mom. Anyway after about six months of him being sick he started having strokes. At this time in my life, I spent every day going to the hospital, being in serious pysholgical pain. One year and 15 days later, my Father passed. As hard as it was to lose him, I was so tired of seeing him in pain. I was very confused because I didn't want him to die, but I also didn't want to see him in pain anymore. He could'nt talk, he could only move one arm partially. He was so sick and it was just to unbearable to watch. But I did for about six months.
Yes, I did find alcohol to be a friend, but I guess that was better than hurting others and having a nervous breakdown. When your going through such pain, you make it through it however you know how. Each day becomes a challenge and each day is filled with sorrow and pain. To escape was a relief.
Finally I started to realize that this was a waste of life and I started to try to get back into shape. Plus I was in love with my girlfreind and it wasn't fair to make her go through all this. I proposed on my birthday in 1995. It seemed as if I could get my life back together. I didn't want to go through my life in sorrow. We were to get married in 1996 on my parents anniversary.(Feb 24).
21 days before my wedding day, my sister passed away. Being 20 years older than me, she was like a second Mom. How could I get married now, how could I handle another death.
With the good help of a friend (my pastor) and the love of my fiancee, I realized that life must go on for the living. I did get married and was determined to live a happy life and use my parents and sisters love, wisdom and guidance to help me get though every obstacle that came in my way.
I started working on a story to help others deal with death and about the same time it was finished my life started to get back on track. I spent a few years not being able to read and comprehenad anything. Probably just too much stress. finally with my life becoming more stable I went to the bookstore to try to fond some inspiration. It kind of popped out at me, "Anthony Robbins,- Awaken the giant within.
That book again made me ask myslf the question. What do I want to do with my life. Be healthy, happy and Michigan Television
I started to fill up on inpirational material, book after book. Wayne Dyer, Deepok Chopra, MaryAnn Williamson, Stephen Covey and anything I could get my hands on.
In 1998, I was finally ready to start following my dream of creating Michigan Television Network.
Me and a friend Dave Walters, created our first show which was basically just a montage of people and interviews of opinions about what they thought of a show like this, that highlights local talent.
You could say that added more fuel on the fire of inspiration to keep going. We did a second show about a year later.
A third show, which consisted of a friend of mines music videos -- Anton James

Determined to be on broadcast television to reach a wider audience, I made up my mind to get this show on the air. Not exactly sure how, I just knew that this was want I wanted to do. I put an ad in the Metro times and Michigan view for a host and for volunteers to help pull this off. voice overs video problems time problems 16 hour days a fourth show -- link to news lease
a fifth show Bruce Campbell Mike Ridley
So here you have it,. That was how the idea was born and that is why I think I can
link --- persevere through all the BS. Hope your inspried and hope you can be a part of the success.
Last updated August 6, 2001 11p