This page is in memory of Matt Osborne

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Check back soon for more pictures and the rest of the story of how I met Matt and what an influence he was on my life.

Ronnie Brewster, The President and founder of Michigan Television Network first met Matt Osborne in high school.
Matt influenced Ronnie in 1987 to go to the Specs Howard School of Broadcast Arts and pursue a career in television. It was then that Matt came up with the name for the show Musical Renaissance -The show that Rocks Detroit.
Matt hosted the first show in 1987 which showcased two popular bands, Halloween and Sweet Tease.
The show was distributed to over 150,000 homes through various cable outlets.
On November 13, 1988 they were both in a serious car accident. That day changed and re-directed both of their lives. Matt was paralyzed from chest down and Ronnie suffered a serious closed head injury.
In 1989 eight more shows were produced.
The rest of this story will continue at a later date.
I will add to this from time to time. If you knew Matt, please feel free to add stories or pictures. our friend Matt is gone, but his spirit will live on forever. Thanks to the web, so will his page.

Matt's pics

page last updated: 5/28/03 103a